December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Sorry, we're late but...

Merry Christmas!

And my camera got stolen in Kuala Lumpur. I love Christmas. (screw Christmas!!!)

But apart from that, I wish you all had the Time of your Life! (dirty bit)

Hehe... Yay for the Black Eyed Peas reference. Anyway, we're all looking forward to New Year's now. Come 2011, go 2010!

December 03, 2010

Asian Invasion... in Willetton

Sorry for the bad rhyming...

It's all her fault... ALL HER FAULT.

That's Nat Wahid by the way. That's only if you can see her, of course. Haha, no offence Nathaara Testicular Testosterone Hitam Jis Ha! Tequila Tashkila Wahid.

After much planning and effort, on Saturday November 27, 2010, we went to Southlands, and by we, I mean people from my school, and by my school, I mean the Asians... + Nat Wahid. What the hell was Nat Wahid doing there? (Ok ok, I admit I invited her)

So the following people went to this outing :

Nat Wahid (we nearly lost her)

and of course, the ultimate duo:
Yan W. and Mark (me).

So everyone was meant to arrive at 12:30-12:50 so that we have enough time to get ready for DarkZone, however, someone called OSWALD didn't arrive until 12:00. Maybe he lost his way to Southlands because his eyes were too small big.

When Oswald finally showed up, we quickly went to the DarkZone counter and he was so lucky I booked a booking the night before - with the help of Brendan. :3

However, since Tanya wasn't wearing sneakers, she had to run to $pendLess $hoes (yes, with the dollar signs) to buy sneakers...

Yes Tanya, $15 for shoes and $4 for socks is soo not expensive. /sarcasm

...she ended up buying canvas shoes. Yeah Tanya, totally.

So we finally went in to the blue room where we learnt about how to play DarkZone. Yeah, as if I totally don't know how to use a Phasor. But then again, there's people like Nat Wahid, Wint... 

Finally, we were assigned to our teams. All twelve of us were assigned to yellow team. No racial slur intended at all because we're totally not Asian.

We won both games and for some really weird reason, I kept losing Nat Wahid, and Yan kept on bumping into a floating vest. *insert Nat Wahid joke here*

Anyway, at the beginning, we all dibbed to be in Nat Wahid's team because she had auto-invincibility (get the drift!) and could win the game with her natural talent, but Nat Wahid managed to prove us wrong.

... Nat Wahid. W...T...F...

Seriously, with your invisibility cloak, is that even possible?

After DarkZone, we went to Utopia because we were thirsty. Nah, we just wanted to be all fobby Asian and go invade Utopia with our fobby Asian...ness. However, Eunice and Joanne thought they were too cool so they went to Maccas instead.

At Utopia we drank bubble tea and hanged out in one corner... and everyone kept looking at us. It's like as if they've never seen a group of hot Asians before - excluding Nat Wahid, of course.

La Asian Mob - everyone's looking at me?

That was hard work, wasn't it, Nat Wahid?

Jayden wants to drink all of that bubble tea... too bad it's all mine, bitches!

Pathetic attempt at trying to be white.

Mandatory Mark + food shot... with Jayden trying to steal my cake.

Mandatory Yan + bread shot... with Jayden trying to steal his bread.

Then we went to McDonald's because we all wanted to be fat like Mark! We ordered chips, soft serves, wraps, shit, etc and we played in the playground! YAY for being mature 13 year olds!

Anyone else see the similarity?

Because we're totally under three years old! YAY!

Time passes quick when you have fun, and before we knew it we were back at the food court in Southlands. Played a few arcade games and then we seperated - Brendan, Tanya, Yan W. and I went to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, to be joined by Chelsea, Nat Wahid's cousin.

Apart from the fact that I slept through the Deathly Hallows after I moved to a row of empty seats with their arms pushed up, the movie was pretty good. However I found it rather awkward how Ron turns back to Ron after kissing an old woman (think Nat Wahid)?

Anyway, the movie finished, and we went to take neoprints! Here are some of them:

Pretty sexy, huh?

And that was the last outing of 2010. 
It was exhausting, fun and exhilarating - however the hell you spell it. 

Oh, btw, the feature couple is still Jayden and Yan.

Nice position, Jayden. AWKWARD TURTLE...