November 22, 2010

we know now...

after much devising (from oswald's side), we come to the conclusion...

it is siew mei yong...

i bet black wahid's life on it!!!

this face must really turn you on

November 20, 2010

feature photo #2

really, oswald, really? (click for larger image)

guys, pretty self-explanatory... let your imagination run wild and take this photo in any way you want.

personally, my story is a little too X-rated.

Thank you to Denise for finding the photo (even though I took it?)

Oh and Nat Wahid wants to get credited for laughing at it. What a Nat Wahid.

November 18, 2010

feature photo #1

Amazing discovery guys!

not to ruin your eyes or anything... but we just discovered an extremely sexy and suggestive photo of joanne chandra.

 lookin' fine, joanne ;) (click for larger image)

Gotta love those feature photos!

November 17, 2010

frack everything! let's dance!

sexy, huh?

pretty good start to the night. toma showing off his shuffling skills. hehe. 

anyway, what a great night. the social was so frikkin' retarded that it was fun. 3 hours of shouting, dancing, drinking (coke... such a wannabe) and whatnot, what is there not to love about it?

well in the 3 hours with oswald, jayden, brendan and yan w., we created our dance routine. two dance routines, actually.

routine 1: everyone puts their hand in the centre, throws it up and tries to touch the ground, gets up and do a ballerina, hip thrust, rave and then ballerina again and etc.

yeah jayden, that's how we dance bitches!

get on the ground you dirty prison bitch

Round 2...

routine 2: lift the ceiling, play volleyball, dribble basketball and drive the car!

change the gears brendan

and then brendan, jayden, oswald and yan decided to do frog leaps.

they said i was too fat

so the night went on... and i must say siew mei looks amazing in this photo

hey siew mei... :)

finally came the snowballing...

Feature couple second runner up! Jayden ft. Wint.
where's your hand jayden?

what is that fat teacher doing there?

Compatibility: 80%
Kawaii-ness: 100%
Sexiness: 80%
What a cute couple.

Feature couple runner up! Yan ft. Alyssa.
so tall...

Compatibility: 100%
Kawaii-ness: 80%
Sexiness: 90%
What a tall couple.

Feature couple winner! Jayden ft. Yan.
how much sexier can a couple get?

Compatibility: 100000000000000000%
Kawaii-ness: 100000000000000000000000000%
Sexiness: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000%

Moral of the story:
Life is too short. Fuck everything, just dance.
- quote Jayden Lim, 17.11.2010

November 16, 2010

a post

what should i say>?....
stupid english.......
this is totaly better then the other two blogs...
do u like paper?...
thsi is text...
i am sitting on  soft bed...
my mac is white and so is white paper...
that is enough said for tuesday 16th of novemner 2010

November 15, 2010

Welcome to the Grand Opening!

Welcome to the grand opening!

Have a fun time! 
(especially Wint Ye Ywe Phu :p)
GRAND OPENING AT 8:08PM 15TH OF NOVEMBER 2010........................ get ready people...


i'm so sorry but i wanna eat you 
(shorterned form the rice paddy)
(not a parady of ♥ Im So SOrry; But I Love You

Oh hi, didn't see you there! (because of my small chinky eyes...haha ==")
Isn't the rice paddy just beautiful? 
Yes it is, because it's made by two of the world's hottest people, whose name must be remain disclosed for security reasons. (we're scared of stalkers too)

In this blog, we will be following the lives of people in the RSHS Cohort of 2014. Watch out for more news!

our first post

this is our first post. im not too sure on what to today was normal...... i ate really disgusting bread.........and thats all... i think...